
Jiaxing Genghis Photochemistry Technology Co., Ltd

Jiaxing Genghis Photochemistry Technology Co., Ltd

Frequently Asked Questions
  • What is photo-etching?
  • What industries do you serve?
  • What are the metals to use?
  • What is the metal thickness range?
  • How much time do you need for prototyping work?
  • What electronic files can you receive?
    If your question is not covered, please kindly email us at kefu@gentch.com Thank you.

    1. What is photo-etching?
    Photo-etching or photo chemical machining (PCM) is a process to apply chemical acids to the manufacturing of thin, flat and difficult shape metal components. Ferric chloride is sprayed onto the metal surface, which erodes the material to let the required component shape remain.

    2.What industries do you serve?
    Our customers are various. Companies in need of us come from industries such as electronics, mechanical, medical, petroleum, automobile, space and aviation, military to many more.
    A panorama is already setup as a general introduction to our products, for more information please go to

    3.What are the metals to use?
    The metal range is very extensive. We can use various steels, copper or coppered based materials, different alloys, molybdenum and aluminum. For more information, please read Metals we process

    4.What is the metal thickness range?
    At present, we generally etch metals from 0.03mm to 0.8mm. Our new machines are arriving soon, which will be able to deal with metal of the thickness between 1mm ¨C 1.5mm. And for information on tolerance.

    5.How much time do you need for prototyping work?
    Depending on component intricacy and drawing reception, we will then report our customers about the time we need. In most cases, it is possible finish your prototype as fast as within 2 days.

    6.What electronic files can you receive?
    We generally prefer drawings of CAD, PDF or CDR format for production. But for quotation, we may read file of all types unless the drawing cannot tell clearly.

    ¡¡Mail: gentch@gentch.com Tel: +086-573-82795711